Submit a motion
Conference Committee welcomes motions for debate at regional conference. The Conference Committee will timetable a selection of policy motions and all constitutional amendments that have been properly submitted.
The deadline to submit motions for the 2024 conference has now passed. The information below will be updated for 2025.
Please email any motions you wish to be considered to conference@eastlibdems.org.uk by midday on Thursday 26 September 2024. Please include the names and membership number (or address if membership number not known) of the proposer and seconder.
The federal party has published useful advice about how to write and format a good motion.
The deadline for amendments to submitted motions is midday on Monday 21 October.
Who can submit a motion?
Motions may be submitted by
- two members of the Regional Party
- Local Parties
- Specified Associated Organisations (now called Affiliated Organisations)
- recognised Council Groups on principal local authorities
- the Regional Executive
- the Policy Committee
What's the deadline to submit a motion?
- The deadline for submission of motions and constitutional amendments is midday on Wednesday 26 September 2024
- The deadline for amendments to motions and secondary constitutional amendments is midday on Monday 21 October 2024
How will Conference Committee decide what motions to include in the agenda?
Conference Committee will decide whether to allocate time to discuss policy motions and, if so, which policy motions to put on the agenda. It will base its decisions on factors such as the relevance and topicality of the subject to be discussed, whether it is likely to be of interest to members attending, whether or not regional conference is the best forum for the debate (some topics are more suitable for discussion at a local party, county or federal conference) and how much time is available.
It may composite (combine and edit) motions when more than one motion has been submitted on the same topic.